Sources of Coal Dust
Project Type

In 2013, Aurizon’s South West System supply chain members submitted a plan to mitigate and manage coal dust on the South West System rail corridor. The members commissioned the Department of Science,Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts (DSITIA) to conduct dust monitoring along the South West System between March and June 2013. The study concluded that the major influence on PM10 and PM2.5 (dust) concentrations at the rail corridor monitoring sites is not rail transport emissions but regional, urban particle emission sources.
The main graphic shown here – Figure 3: Source, pathway and receptor for particulate matter graphic – is a visual representation of PM10 dust particles emitted from various emission sources, asper study conclusion outlined above. As the style of the graphic did not need to comply with Aurizon’s brand guidelines, it was a great opportunity to create it in a totally different illustration style popular at the time: isometric. Graphic was drawn from scratch and then digitised in Adobe Illustrator. To view the full report, visit this link.